Slide 1 - Introduction to me
Slide 2 - quote -
The aim of my project is to test and design a way to put stop motion animation into a VR environment and make it interactive.I intend to find out from this if stop motion animation in a VR space changes the way the audience perceives it as it is hand made in a very digital environment, the effect can be very contrasting when compared to the very refined polish appearance of the digital work we often find in VR spaces. Seeing if the importance of hand made still exists and has value in a digital world, and how the importance of touch in art work still holds value and is something that has been lost slightly as we become more and more a digital world.
Quote reference - The Animaniac. 2016. Stop Motion vs. CGI. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 4 January 2022].
Image reference - Walt Disney Pictures, 1993. Jack and Sally on a spiral hill. [image] Available at: <> [Accessed 4 January 2022].
Slide 3 - mad god
I started by looking at stop motion animations that have already been produced that can be watched in VR. As well as researching how they are produced. This led me to this animation that you can see a still of which is from a stop motion short called Mad God that was produced by Phil Tippett. This animation uses stop motion and this short was made purely for VR and is the first and really only film of its kind. It was made using photogrammetry and lots of editing, which is something I need to look at more in my practical. I have researched the other companies and directors involved in this who I am going to reach out to for more information. Foundry, imagination engineered, 2016. Tippett Studios head into the unknown with stop-motion VR. [video] Available at: <> [Accessed 4 January 2022].
My project idea and question has changed since last time. My idea originally was just putting stop motion into VR. But I now want to see if it is possible to make stop motion interactive in VR. My research question isnt quite full perfected yet as it keeps having slight changes but I do have a few options so far
I have been looking at lots of artists who both work in stop motion, VR and those who use a combination of them. HTC Vive, 2021. The Sick Rose, the first stop-motion animation VR movie. [video] Available at: <> [Accessed 4 January 2022].
I have also been looking at lots of academic studies and papers of artists who focus on the making of art and the importance of touch in it. One paper is a PHD dissertation called tangible territory, which explores the importance of haptic visuality and the importance of touch in animation. Stehlikova, T., 2012. Tangible Territory. [ebook] Available at: <> [Accessed 4 January 2022].
Stop motion is very different to any other form of animation technique as it keeps its hand made quality and has a very different appearance, I think these will link over well and explore how Haptic processes become part of the meaning.
Started looking at haptic processes, Embodied memories, touch
Image reference - Transport by Wevr, 2017. Mad God, 3D 360 VR. [video] Available at: <> [Accessed 4 January 2022].
Slide 4 - Classroom
For those that don't know, I am an animation teacher at Leeds city college, and I have been looking at ways to include some primary research from here into my work. My second year students are currently starting to make their first ever stop motion animations and I think this will be a good source of how they find it different from the digital work they have been used to producing so far. I will be able to use this to help me understand where the importance of touch in animation differs compared to digital work they are used to.
If I choose to do this, it will mean that I need to collect the correct paperwork and ethic forms, as well as consent from the students and the college. As well as ensure that all GDPR is followed.
I will also need to look at sustainability for things like the materials I will use to make the puppet. You can see in my classroom I try to encourage my students where possible to use recycled materials, such as cardboard from delivery boxes and paper mache using newspapers to make the sets.
It could be that when I am developing and testing different methods and ways to input the information that I talk to studios and ask If I can borrow one of their existing puppets to use.
Slide 5 - haptic technology
While researching I have also come across this which is haptic technology which allows the audience to experience touch through use of technology, this is something that I have only just stumbled upon so it is something that I need to research into more first, but it looks like an interesting way that my project and practical outcome could eventually lead to as the combination of this and VR would be amazing and is a very exciting prospect.
Image reference - n.d. Haptic technology - Wikipedia. [online] Available at: <,or%20motions%20to%20the%20user.&text=Haptic%20devices%20may%20incorporate%20tactile,the%20user%20on%20the%20interface.> [Accessed 4 January 2022].