What keywords lead you toward articles and texts that are relevant and interesting to your investigation?
- Stop Motion VR
- Animation in VR
- Haptic Processes
- Touch - Come into or be in contact with, handle in order to interfere with, alter or otherwise affect. an act of touching someone or something, a small amount; a trace.
- Embodied Memory - The former includes all activities which are helpful for storing and retrieving information: Photographing, writing, taping, etc. The latter implies skilled performances which are sent by means of physical like a spoken word or a handshake
- Haptic visuality - (embodied spectatorship) A sense of physical touching or being touched engendered by an organisation of the film image in which the material presence is foregrounded and which evokes close engagement with surface detail and texture.
- Tactility - The capability of being felt or touched. 2 : responsiveness to stimulation of the sense of touch.
- Tangible territory
- Stop motion VS Digital
- Digital vs Hand made
- Digital VS Traditional
Authors/ people
Which authors reappear in your reading?
Michael Breymann - head of kaleidoscope - worked on mad god
Anthony Batt - executive producer - Wevr - Mad god
Alex Hessler - VR supervisor - Tippett Studio
Chris Morley - VFX supervisor Tippett studios
Jan Svankmajer
Andrei Tarkovsky
What themes recur?
What questions repeat?
Click on an image below to follow the link
Mad God - Phil Tippett and Foundry
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