As I continued to refine my idea and plan the intended outcome, I realised that the project was still overly ambitious in the time frame that I had. I looked at the areas I had suggested changes and evaluated which would fit the desired outcome better. From this I have begun to update my list of areas I need to research and started to narrow down software's, techniques, professionals, existing media and the idea for the finished practical outcome.
The updated changes I have made are now that the finished practical outcome will solely focus on interactivity in VR spaces using stop motion, and how I will achieve this. I will need to research where my work fits in an academic environment and find some links to it as well as how the practical work will be produced.
As the idea for my project has developed I needed to change the list of areas I will research. The below list will constantly change, it will act as a reminder to myself of areas I need to investigate.
Keywords - What keywords lead you toward articles and texts that are relevant and interesting to your investigation?
Authors - Which authors reappear in your reading?
Themes - What themes recur?
Questions - What questions repeat?
Research Academic
Haptic Processes - Importance of the touch in making of animations. Ideas around haptic processes as part of meaning making in animation - look at Teresa Stehlikova Tangible Territory PhD Thesis - Haptic process becomes part of the meaning - This could be a way to anchor it into an academic foundation.
Search - animation in VR - Create a keyword and articles list.
Research Practical
Phil Tippett - Mad Gods VR stop motion, approach and ask questions about how it was produced.
Wes Anderson's - Isle of Dogs behind the scenes, approach and ask questions about how it was produced.
Different possible pipelines - such as animate in stop motion or scan puppets in and animate in 3D, Look at how different approaches impact the movement/quality of a character.Match frames - How might the idea of ‘match frames’ for non-linear interactivity change or influence your approach to character design and/or storytelling. Plug and play - match frames - drop frames in if an action happens - code in actions
Existing VR - Stop Motion in VR, Interactivity
Softwares - Playmaker which is a visual coding software, Unity, Unreal engine, Touchdesigner. Dragon frame - How to shoot stop motion footage in dragon frame for VR? Green screening - How would you green screen stop motion footage for VR?
Photogrammetry - How to capture the footage for a VR environment. How do I need to shoot the footage? Software? Recap, Mesh room, Lidor, cameras?
Armature supplies - where to source armatures for practice or making puppets? Upuno, animation tool kit, Mackinnon and Saunders
Questions to answer
Find where your work belongs in an academic sense
In terms of interactivity in VR what do you want to achieve? Stop-motion puppet will be responsive to user movement - need to explore what the scope of interaction might be.
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