Tuesday, 8 March 2022

Research Methodology

 This week I wanted to look at the methodology that I use when working. After being advised to look at the action research structure, this methodology seems to fit how I work. I decided that I would research further into this area as having a clearer understanding of how methodologies can affect my work, will help me as my project progresses. 

Action research is a methodology that brings together practice and theory (Beever, 2018) to deliver a practical outcome. Action research involves a number of steps that help the user go from theory to testing and practical outcomes. The stages involved are: 


Describe the problem or opportunity

Give the background to the problem or opportunity to the industry and identify the stakeholders involved.

Define  the objectives for the action research, ensure they are S.M.A.R.T (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely)

Review the current situation, the knowledge around the problem or opportunity, the needs of the different stakeholders and as a group identify recommended actions 


Develop an action plan for the actions: What is going to be done by whom and when

Develop a monitoring and evaluation plan; how are the actions and outcomes achieved (against the objectives) are going to be monitored and evaluated


Undertake identified actions


Monitor and evaluate, make sense of the outcomes


Undertake critical review of the outcomes and use this to inform future plans and associated actions against the objectives.” (Beever, 2018) 

This method follows the Kolb learning cycle (Harb, Durrant and Terry, 1993), realising that action research follows this theory, helped me understand it better, Kolb's learning cycle is a theory that I learned about when doing my teacher training, this means it is a theory I am already very familiar with so I didn't need to do much research about this theory again, it also helped me better understand action research and identify that it was a method I have been working in for a long time without even realising. 

I looked into action research further and found this image that describes the process nicely

(TerBorg, 2016)

Now that I have identified that I already work using this method I decided to use the stages outlined and applied them to my own research.

I decided to fill out this list of stages for where I am now in this project. If I completed this now from the start of my project to date it would take too long, and as I have already moved on for these stages they are no longer relevant to my work now. In future I think that completing a rough set of questions and working more clearly to these stages will help me, as it helps me to visually see where I started to where I am now, it also helps me plan clearly what I need to do, which then means I know exactly what I need to act on, I can then collect what I have found, reflect on it and then start the process again until I reach the finished conclusion. 

  1. Identify 

  • What is my question? 

  1. How do you create 3D printed stop motion puppets, whose actions focus on expressions and interactions, that are intended for use in a virtual reality space?

  2. How do you collect stop motion footage and input it into a virtual reality space?

  • What Problems do I see?

  1. Time frame - this project is going to be very time consuming and take a long time to make.

  2. Skill - what skills do I need to make this work and do I have them? 

  1. Plan

  • What research to collect?

  1. Theory - character expressions, haptics, importance of touch in animation, traditional animation vs digital animation, stop motion and VR

  2. Industry - Who is working in this field? What work already exists? What companies are working in this area? What conversations have been had about stop motion, VR and photogrammetry? What software and methods have been used? 

  3. Practical - Software that I need, software and skills in it that I need to learn, methods and techniques to input

  4. Time - How long will it take? What is the production pipeline? 

  • What do I need to learn?

  1. Zbrush, Maya, 3DsMax, Photogrammetry, 3D printing, 3D printed replacement face system, 360 editing, 3D scanning, 3D rigging, 3D environments, 

  1. Act

  • How will I implement what I have learnt?

  1. Theory - use findings to inform how the characters are made, how their expressions and interactions work in the tests, what they are made of.

  2. Industry - Use information on methods and softwares that have been used in industry to make test animations, make contact with people who are working in this area.

  3. Practical - learn software and specific skills in software to create the project

  4. Time - create a production pipeline, undertake tests to understand the time frame needed, create a production schedule.

  1. Observe

  • Collect what I have learnt

  1. Reflect

  • Share what I have learnt

  • Reflect on work

  • Revisit 

This method works as a loop and once stages have been completed and you have reflected on them the process starts over again. I am currently in the planning and acting stages for the theory section as I am collecting the theoretical research needed for my project. For the practical stage I will move on to the acting stage next year in 703. 

This has helped me layout my work more clearly, as my project is so different it becomes confusing to not only other people but also myself, laying out the stages like this really helped me organise all the details in my head and understand what I need to do in each stage. In future I will use this method to outline questions I want to answer and then break them down into stages. 


Beever, G., 2018. Action Research - Extension Practice. [online] Extension Practice. Available at: <https://extensionaus.com.au/extension-practice/action-research/> [Accessed 8 March 2022].

Harb, J., Durrant, S. and Terry, R., 1993. Use of the Kolb Learning Cycle and the 4MAT System in Engineering Education. Journal of Engineering Education, 82(2), pp.70-77.

TerBorg, S., 2016. Action Research. [online] sonya terborg. Available at: <https://sonyaterborg.com/2016/02/17/action-research/> [Accessed 8 March 2022].

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