Stage 1 - Backwards Planning.
The first stage of the 703 unit was to plan, I completed a backwards planning document, where I thought about what the end goals for the project were and where I would like to be 2 months after the end of the MA program. This was a different method than I would usually use when planning as I usually work forwards. The backwards planning method worked much better for me as I was able to see what I want to have achieved and then plan accordingly to get the project done on time. It was also at this stage that I realised my project idea was still overly ambitious. This was a good stage to find this out as opposed to much further along with the project like what happened in 701.
Backwards planning helped me to identify the different outcomes that I wanted, I then broke each of these down individually into tasks that I would have to complete, I used these tasks to identify skills that I need to learn, the software I need and all other small tasks that I need to complete.
This task was one of the most helpful that I have done and backward planning is a method that I will continue to use going forwards whenever I start a new unit or project as it allowed me to see right at the start that the project was too ambitious and then adjust my plan accordingly.
A full breakdown of this can be found at:
Stage 2 - Project presentation
As part of the 703 unit I presented my project Idea to the new group of full-time MA animation students. Completing this task was helpful to do so early as it allowed me to clearly define my idea. Making the presentation about my project for a group of people who had no idea what I was doing, really helped me refine all the ideas and context of the project until it was clear and understandable. Not only was I able to articulate my idea to the group but it also helped me get the project clearer in my own head. I was able to briefly explain what my project was, the context behind it, the aims of the project, the testing and learning stages along with the software that I had identified, the methodologies, and the final goals of the project. I was also able to demonstrate where the theories from my dissertation linked to the practice tests that I would complete and how I would use the tests to prove the theory that I had outlined in it.
This presentation can be seen on the 703 project overview page
Stage 3 - refining
The third stage of the 703 unit involved me further refining the tasks that I had identified in stage 1. Here I first looked at software, I had a very very large list of different software that I had identified could be used in the production pipeline, I took some time at the start of the 703 unit to refine these down into software that I knew already, the software I only need to upskill with, software that I had access to (to keep costs down) and software that fulfilled multiple requirements (e.g Maya can be used for modelling and animation as opposed to one that can only be used to model like 3DsMax) This research allowed me to collect a collated list of software that I would use in the testing. From this research I also identified the specific skills that I need to learn in each software, this allowed me to create a breakdown of skills that I need to learn, meaning that I would be able to concentrate on the skills that I need rather than trying to learn everything in 6 new software.
I also broke down tasks that I had to complete as part of improving my professional network, I broke this down into small manageable jobs (such as getting a new logo) this break down of tasks works for me as they are more manageable, and this stops me becoming overwhelmed by the size of tasks which then leads me to panic and procrastinate.
I then started researching methodologies that I would use to conduct research and testing. I also outlined the negotiated project work that I would submit for the 703 unit (this is due to the nature of my project not fitting the standard unit format) I finally started to plan my ideas for the tests that I would conduct in 703 and made a more detailed planning document where I outlined the work I needed to do each week of the unit. This all helped me stay on track, and made sure that I did not become overwhelmed as I had done in previous units.
More details about these stages can be found at:
Stage 4 - interim presentation
In stage 4 I completed an interim presentation which was again shown to the new full-time MA animation students, this presentation outlined the work that I had been doing on the project in the weeks prior, the progression and changes I had made, the intended outcomes for 703, as well as my next steps. This presentation again helped me to clearly articulate my idea. From doing the presentations in this unit, I have found that if I create a presentation for an audience (with the idea in mind that they know nothing about the project or theories behind it) that not only does it help me present the ideas to an audience clearly but it also helps me to keep the project straight in my head. I think this is another method that I will use going forwards as helps me keep on track and stop the project (me) from going off on a massive tangent.
This presentation can be found at: Interim crit
Stage 5 - research framework
Stage 5 of the 703 unit was where I started to create my research framework. In this stage I re-read my dissertation and highlighted important points, I then collected all these points and separated them into categories, once I had done this I identified the points that I would look at in the testing stages. To make these theories and tests clearer and show where they linked I created documents that listed the tests I would do, the research method I would use to conduct them, whether they tested pipeline, theory or both and if they tested theory which ones they were.
This stage helped me make sure that all the theories, tests and how they linked were clear, this made sure that going into the tests I clearly knew what I was looking to achieve, and the outcomes that I wanted to collect. Again another useful task was to make sure that at each stage of the unit I had a clear idea of why I was doing something, the context behind it, the research methods that informed it, the outcomes I was looking to collect, ensuring everything was linked and working in synergy. Once again making sure that everything was clear before I moved to the next stages made sure that I did not become overwhelmed in the unit.
More details about the research framework can be found at:
Stage 6 - testing
Stage 6 of the project was to start the practical testing. This was the stage of the MA that I have enjoyed the most so far, finally being able to try something new and learn new practical skills was the reason I started the MA, so finally starting this was great, it gave me a real boost and I feel more confident in the project as well as in my own ability to complete it than I did before the testing.
For the testing in 703, I concentrated on learning how to do photogrammetry scans and turn them into 3D models. This meant buying and learning new software as well as different techniques. The tests that I have done have mostly been focused on a dice tower diorama that I made, as well as a test with a doll (in place of a puppet). I have had different levels of success with these tests with some failing completely and others working out quite well with only a few issues (such as shiny surfaces) The tests have allowed me to learn new skills and they have also helped inform the project further. It was through completing the photogrammetry tests that I decided on the outcome for the 705 unit, as well as the further testing that I will continue.
In the testing I found that the doll (puppet) was the scan I had the most issues with and was also the element that would be the steepest learning curve for the whole project as it will involve: materials testing, making/building, scanning, meshing, rigging, animating and compositing. This stage requires numerous tests and skills to learn as well as the most software to learn. When I found how hard it was to just capture the doll at a good quality, it made me doubt if I would be able to achieve any finished outcome investigating just this area. When I compared this to the tests with the dice tower I had been able to get considerably better results, this lead to my decision for the practical outcome I want to achieve in 705, which is to create a stop motion environment/set as a modular build, each of these will then be captured using photogrammetry, they will be re-meshed, have UV's added and then used to create a 3D digital version of the set. This will be placed in VR and will be presented alongside the physical model at the end of the unit.
This change means that I can test my theories, learn and refine my skills and pipeline, have a finished outcome at the end of the MA and either conduct the tests with the puppets alongside or propose to conduct these tests in a PhD, in order to advance the project. This will also enable me to get a better result as the more complex tests will be built on a stronger foundation of skills and knowledge that will have been created through the proposed practical outcome of 705.
Coming out of the testing phase of 703, I definitely feel more confident about the future of the project and I feel much more ready to dive in and continue testing, and learning software and skills. The testing in this unit has been really helpful in boosting my confidence with the whole project as well as helping me learn new skills.
More details about the testing stages can be found at: and Portfolio of tests
Stage 7 - project proposal and next steps
The final stage of the 703 unit was to create the final outcomes for submission. For submission I had to hand in 3 pieces of work, the proposed work has changed slightly since the start of the unit but is still not too far from the original proposal. The pieces of work to hand in are:
Practice-based Research Portfolio - No Change - This will be a copy of my blog as a PDF along with this web page which acts as a way to consolidate all the research into a single clear and reflective document. It will also include a PDF of the presentations given in this unit.
Pitch Bible - Changed - Originally this was proposed to be the methodologies chapter for my PhD proposal, however as I was researching and writing this document it felt too early in the project to fully define this, especially as I had only just started the testing. Instead, this will now be a project proposal document which will outline the project, its goals, the research questions, aims and methods, the skill development, as well as where I intend to be/ produce in the 705 unit going forwards.
Animatic - No Change - This will be a portfolio of the practical tests that have been conducted in this unit along with a written reflection on the tests, what I have learnt and what I have achieved in 703. This will evaluate and critically analyse the tests and the outcomes as well as my learning and how it has informed my new theories, and practical experiments going forwards.
These documents can all be found here:
Practice-based Research Portfolio:
Pitch Bible: Project Proposal
Animatic: Portfolio of Tests
Conclusion -
Overall this unit has gone very well and I am very happy with the outcomes from it, I have learnt that not all my work need to be perfect straight away and that if I can relax and forget about being perfect then the results I achieve are actually better (and more enjoyable) and it means that I am less stressed, which in turn stops me panicking and then procrastinating, meaning I get more done.
I have learnt different skills that help me with this such as, backwards planning and refining down further into small, clear and manageable tasks, works well for me as it stops me from panicking by the size of the task and stops my mind from racing about everything it evolves as it is already listed out.
I also found that if I create clear and refined documents that I have made with the thought of presenting them to an audience, who has no idea about the project, then I am able to collate all the work I have completed in that stage in a way that is clear, concise and organised. This means I have all my ideas and next steps clearly outlined, which not only makes my work clearer to others but also makes it clearer for me. For example, having the project proposal document at the end of 703 will enable me to enter the 705 unit prepared and with a clear set of goals and intentions as well as have a plan of the work that needs to be completed in place. Having this at the start of the unit means I know what I need to do first and will be used to help me make a detailed schedule of tasks that need completing each week meaning I know mostly what to expect and can manage my time more efficiently.
In 703 I have also learnt that tests won't always work out, but that doesn't mean that they are a complete failure, of all the tests that I have conducted in this unit it is the tests that went wrong that I have learnt the most from and that have really helped me to refine my skills going forwards. Without the tests failing I would not have learnt as much as I have about photogrammetry nor would I have learnt how I can fix it when things do inevitably go wrong.
I feel like 703 is the unit that I have grown the most in, I have learnt many ways to work better both in terms of production and skills development, but also ways to work with things like my ADHD and dyslexia, which can be incredibly challenging at the time, I feel like these skills will benefit me immensely as I progress, as while this unit has been challenging it is the unit I have felt the calmest and the clearest in because I have employed the methods listed above, and they are all things that I will continue to use going forwards.