Tuesday, 18 October 2022

Backwards planning

To start the 703 unit I first began with completing a backwards planning task, for this task I thought about what I wanted to have achieved by the end of my master's degree, and then planned back from there the things I would have to do in my masters. 

To start I thought about what I wanted to have 2 months after finishing my master's, this planning included 

  • What I wanted to have achieved - 

  • What I wanted to have learned -

  • What was the situation -

  • What my next steps were -

It focused on the goals and objectives I wanted. The goals - are the dreams, and the objectives - are how I would get there. I first needed to set the goals and then plan back and create the objectives that would get me there. I needed to work all the way back to the present which would then mean I could create a solid list of objectives for what I need to do in trimester 1 and the 703 unit. 

I broke the task down into areas and sections that I would consider these were: Career/ Employment, Creativity/ research, Technical/ skill, Screening and festivals, and Funding.

I created a list of these criteria and then added my goals to each section 




Career/ Employment

  • Teaching at university

  • Working with studios to do projects

  • Studying a PhD

  • Conference paper/ published written work

PhD Proposal

Conference paper

Published paper

Professional contacts

Creativity/ research

  • PhD

  • Have a puppet and tests

  • A VR piece 

Finished Puppet

VR test piece

Digital skill

PhD Proposal

technical/ skill

  • ZBrush

  • Maya

  • Unreal engine

  • Coding

  • Photogrammetry

  • 3D Scanning

Digital skill

Screening and festivals

  • Show VR at conferences

Conference paper

Published paper

Professional contacts


  • PhD

PhD Proposal

I then took each of the objectives and broke it down further into what I would need for each one. 



PhD proposal

  • A written document outlining the proposed project and research

  • A place to do a PhD

  • A supervisor

  • A job that supports it

  • Industry contacts

  • Tests to show the theory

Conference paper

  • Written paper

  • Conference list to go to

  • Test piece to show

  • Research case study log

  • Public website 

  • Business cards

  • Publication list

  • See how to have work published

  • Have a document to publish

Professional Contacts

  • Attend conferences

  • Attend festivals

  • Sort linked in

  • Email people

  • Create a professional and public website

  • Create business cards

  • Create or get a logo 

Finished puppet

  • Sculpt a puppet and learn how to cut it for 3D printing 

  • Find a 3D printing

  • Design a character for the finished puppet

  • Test puppet materials for 3D scanning and photogrammetry

  • Test armatures

VR test piece

  • Have a VR test piece

  • Have a puppet and set

  • Have tested input methods to an outcome

  • Have learnt software and skills needed

  • Have tested in different VR headsets and systems

Technical skills

  • ZBrush - Sculpting, tools, zremesh, how to make a head to print, how to make a body and pose and change expressions

  • Maya - How to put in sculpts and scans, How to model terrain, how to animate

  • Unreal - how to create VR in it, how to input footage

  • Coding - basics for what I need

  • Photogrammetry - Somewhere to do it, software, how to do it

  • 3D scanning - software, how to do it, how to put in, outputs, materials testing

  • 3D Printing - How to create files, where to print 

Once I had broken down the objectives I started to look at the 703 and 705 units and what the outcomes were that I need for each of these. I decided that at the end of 703, I want to have a collection of tests from different software. These tests will be used to learn the skills I need for the 705 unit. I also want a written document that can be used for conferences or for a PhD proposal.

For the 703 unit I have to hand in 3 pieces of work I broke these down to:

  1. Log - Blog or website with a record of all tests and findings. (also needed for a conference) 

  2. Animatic - Collection of videos that show outcomes of tests or show the testing process (screen recording) 

  3. Pitch - Either/ all (?) - PhD Proposal, Conference doc, written published work. 

From here I created a list of the first steps I would need to take

  • Break down software into categories - choose from each to concentrate on first

  • List all selected software in order that will need them in the project. list in order that should be easier to learn.

  • Work out what I need to learn in each software (don't need to learn it all now) just what I need for the project to work.

  • Do a schedule/ plan of when to learn this software

  • Source software, assets and materials to start testing/practising with

  • Start learning software

  • Record software on the blog and record as learning or the outcomes

  • A professional website that can have a record or research undertaken for conferences and for hand-in. 

  • Professional platform and associated materials - Website, logo, business cards, bound dissertation, proposal etc 

  • Find structures for written and break down

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