To start the 703 unit I first began with completing a backwards planning task, for this task I thought about what I wanted to have achieved by the end of my master's degree, and then planned back from there the things I would have to do in my masters.
To start I thought about what I wanted to have 2 months after finishing my master's, this planning included
What I wanted to have achieved -
What I wanted to have learned -
What was the situation -
What my next steps were -
It focused on the goals and objectives I wanted. The goals - are the dreams, and the objectives - are how I would get there. I first needed to set the goals and then plan back and create the objectives that would get me there. I needed to work all the way back to the present which would then mean I could create a solid list of objectives for what I need to do in trimester 1 and the 703 unit.
I broke the task down into areas and sections that I would consider these were: Career/ Employment, Creativity/ research, Technical/ skill, Screening and festivals, and Funding.
I created a list of these criteria and then added my goals to each section
I then took each of the objectives and broke it down further into what I would need for each one.
Once I had broken down the objectives I started to look at the 703 and 705 units and what the outcomes were that I need for each of these. I decided that at the end of 703, I want to have a collection of tests from different software. These tests will be used to learn the skills I need for the 705 unit. I also want a written document that can be used for conferences or for a PhD proposal.
For the 703 unit I have to hand in 3 pieces of work I broke these down to:
Log - Blog or website with a record of all tests and findings. (also needed for a conference)
Animatic - Collection of videos that show outcomes of tests or show the testing process (screen recording)
Pitch - Either/ all (?) - PhD Proposal, Conference doc, written published work.
From here I created a list of the first steps I would need to take
Break down software into categories - choose from each to concentrate on first
List all selected software in order that will need them in the project. list in order that should be easier to learn.
Work out what I need to learn in each software (don't need to learn it all now) just what I need for the project to work.
Do a schedule/ plan of when to learn this software
Source software, assets and materials to start testing/practising with
Start learning software
Record software on the blog and record as learning or the outcomes
A professional website that can have a record or research undertaken for conferences and for hand-in.
Professional platform and associated materials - Website, logo, business cards, bound dissertation, proposal etc
Find structures for written and break down
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