As part of the 703 unit I began to conduct practical tests, as part of this testing phase I started to identify if my planned tests were been used to test purely pipeline, purely theory or a combination of both, this is an important distinction to make throughout the project and something that I will have re-evaluate often. To help with this process I decide to explain what I was going to do in each test, I found that when I explained the tests this way it was easier for me to understand which area they were been used to test. The 3 tests I originally planned are listed below, I have also added a 4th test which was an idea I came about recently as I worked more on this unit.
Test 1
The first test idea is to create a 360 camera test, this would be using a 360 camera where objects would be placed around it, these materials could be made items such as a dice tower diorama, and it could also be a collection of objects that have different textures and qualities, these will be captured using the camera and the resulting footage will be used to learn and test how to composite for VR in After Effects.
This will test a section of the production pipeline and will see if After Effects is suitable to use for my proposed project.
Test 2
The second test is to create a 3D scan using the 3D scan camera on my Wacom mobile studio, I have never used this camera before but as it is made specifically for capturing 3D objects it may be suitable to use in my project. For the test, I will try and capture the dice tower diorama, an existing stop motion puppet or toy such as a doll, or try and capture the textures of different materials. This footage will then be put into 3D software (I'm not sure if the camera has native software yet) and I will see what results I can get.
This will also test a section of the production pipeline as if the camera is suitable I may be able to use it as a quick and easy way to capture physical objects for use in 3D.
Test 3
The third test is a photogrammetry test, for this test I will take multiple images of the dice tower diorama that I made using a canon camera and soft lighting set-up. I will then put the images into the photogrammetry software Agisoft Metashape, where I will create a photogrammetry scan and 3D model of the tower. I will then take the resulting 3D model into 3D software, After Effects, or possibly Unreal Engine, with the hope of getting it into a VR space.
This will again test a section of the production pipeline as I will be able to see how photogrammetry can capture and map the textures of practical objects that are on a small scale. If this method works it could be used to then test areas of theory, as I can use it to capture objects and texture and put the results into VR, this would then allow me to record how participants react to the textures in what is commonly known as a digital space, this reaction would test how participants use visual tactility and Haptic memory.
Test 4
The fourth test is the creation of a practical materials test board or test box. This will be where different items that have a variety of different tactile surfaces. This could be materials applied to a foam board such as different fabrics, shiny/reflective materials, objects of materials with textures (like glued sand, egg boxes etc.), latex samples, silicone samples, paints and colours. Or it could be loose items to be placed and scanned individually, such as slime, velvet, toys (dolls, teddy bears etc.), metal, hot items or items that smoke (cigarette, cup of coffee), cold items (ice, snow), clay, etc. These would be used to develop practical outputs, where they would be taken from physical objects to digital ones.
This test would test the production pipeline and would expand on the above tests, but its main function would be to test the theory.
One example of the practical test is to create a table in 3D, the objects and materials would be captured using photogrammetry. The scans of the objects would then be added to the table (testing Photogrammetry methods and 3D methods) These would then be composited into Unreal Engine where the existing VR presets could be tested (testing a new production pipeline method) This would then result in a VR piece of work that people could interact with.
This practical output could then be used to test different theories. Because these materials and objects are ones that most people know, it would be able to test my theories about tactile visuals, haptic memory and embodied memory in VR. The practical VR piece would be used by a participant group where they would be asked to interact with the objects. This interaction would be recorded, with specific attention paid to if there are any objects that users avoided touching or objects they touched more. This interaction would be uninterrupted and the participants would not be guided at all, just allowed to interact freely. The time in the space would then be followed with a questionnaire, which would ask the users: why they had chosen certain objects, why they had avoided certain objects, how they felt about objects' textures, etc.
The practical interactions with the VR piece and the questionnaire would look at my theories about how much visual haptics and embodied memory play a part in VR experiences, and if they do make them more immersive. It will question if even though a participant can't really touch the object, if they still imagine they can feel it and avoid it for that reason, or if they are more drawn to certain items because of their own embodied memories (such as toys and teddies). It will also look at if users who do touch items they avoided how much they can feel them (if at all) through visual haptics and haptic memory. This feedback will help me to answer if participants can still feel through the use of visual haptics do they feel like they know what the objects would feel like, or do they experience the feeling even though they can't actually touch them?
Next steps
The next steps are to identify the research methods that I will use to conduct these tests, this will help inform my project more, and identify how I will record and use the findings of the tests.
What Research Methods do the Tests Use?
Once I had identified if the tests were testing production pipeline, theories or both, I then needed to identify what research methods I would use to conduct these tests. As part of the 703 unit, I am writing the methodologies chapter for a PhD proposal, as part of this I have been looking at various research methods. I also spoke with my project supervisor who explained that the method that I use will be unique to my project, while it will draw on areas of all these existing methodologies the actual wording of my method will be outlined by myself. In order to do this I first wanted to identify the existing methods that I am using for each test, as well as how I will use them to conduct the test, record the findings, and evaluate to then act on and develop the work further.
Test | What is it testing? | Method |
Test 1 - 360 Camera | Pipeline | Action Research Experimental making Analysis Reflective Practice |
Test 2 - 3D Scan | Pipeline | Action Research Experimental making Analysis Reflective Practice |
Test 3 - Photogrammetry | Pipeline and potentially theory | Action Research Experimental making Analysis Reflective Practice |
Test 4 - Materials | Theory - Also refining pipeline and testing new pipeline. | Action Research Focus group research Participant observation research Experimental making Questionnaires Analysis Reflective Practice |
The tests all use Action Research, Experimental making, Analysis and Reflective Practice. The test with the biggest set of research methods is the one that tests theory and practice, this is because this not only is looking at testing both theory and practice but also has numerous stages to its development.
How will these methods be used?
Action research will be used to test the efficiency of the production pipelines, which includes: if the software is appropriate, how hard or easy it is to do, is there a better software, is there a better way/method, are there any problems that need solving, is there anything that needs investigating further, reflecting on it and refining. This method allows me to:
Research, plan and identifies what I will do
Test what I have identified
Evaluate how well it went or didn't go
Reflect on these findings, make adaptions and start the cycle over again.
While I have identified the next 3 methods they are also linked to action research as they are very similar to some of the stages it uses, while I will be using these as part of action research I will never be using them solely/alone.
Experimental making will be used as all the practical work and tests are experiments, I don't yet know which methods will work, I can only find this out by experimenting and making different pieces of work that allow me to test different software, methods and pipelines. Similar to stage 2 of action research.
Analysis and reflective practice will be used to reflect on how the practical tests and experiments have gone, I will use these to look at the tests, and see what went well, what didn't go well, and what could be better. I will then reflect on the tests and implement changes that should improve them, and test again. Similar to stages 3 and 4 of action research.
The next 3 methods I have identified are: Focus group research, Participant observation research, and Questionnaires. These research methods will be used once I start to work with other people and get their feedback and are the methods that will be used to help prove identified theories. All of these methods will be used in test 4 where a practical piece of VR work has been produced. The VR piece will have a group of participants interact within the VR environment (Focus group research, different groups eg other animators [MA group and staff] younger people who are not professional animators [my students]) These participants will be observed and their interactions in the VR environment recorded (both what they see and their reactions) no guidance will be given for this other than the odd prompt to encourage them to do what they want (participant observation) following this interaction they will then be asked different questions to see why they integrated with the piece the way they did this feedback will be recorded (questionnaire)
All of these methods will enable me to test the production pipeline and test theories that I have identified as well as record the findings from these tests. I will also use other research methods as I continue to conduct background research into the subject areas that my project sits within, these are Qualitative research, media analysis, case studies, and contextual reviews. It is important that I also continue to research as I test even though the proposed project is new it sits within such a broad spectrum of areas and disciplines there is lots of theory, and existing pieces that I can pull from, which will expand my base of knowledge and impact the projects practical outcome as well as its theoretical grounding.
Next Steps
I now need to refine these methods and start to develop my own method that I will use in the production and progression of the idea.