Monday, 12 June 2023

Methodology PhD

When I was writing my PhD proposal, I realised that I needed to research more into Methodologies. While I have researched this before, the bits that I have are methods for researching not an overall methodology that they are situated under. I got a bit confused about this and what I could use for it to start. To help with this I read Gray and Malins - visualising research - What is a Methodology, to help me understand it better, I also spoke to my tutor about it and came up with a few ideas I could use. 

The original areas that I considered looking at were: Presence theory, Embodied memories, haptics, and visual tactility. I decided that embodied memories fit with my idea for the project the best and that it would be the best choice. After this I needed to research to see if other people had used embodied memories as a research method, this didn't need to be in exactly the same way that I was going to, but having someone else who had previously used it meant that the idea that I propose has a stronger grounding.

I started researching and found a few papers where similar ideas had been used, I read all the papers referenced below, to see if any fit my work better. Two stood out to me more to link to my work, these were: Unlocking Traumatic Memories Through Digital Stop-Frame Animation: A Freudian Analysis and The Objects We Carry; The Memories We Share. Both of these use a form of stop motion, one being digital and the other using “found objects” (personal possessions) They also both look at the use of memories from this. While they don't cite Svankmajer's theory directly, they both use the term embodied memories. It is for these links to my own work that I decided to use these in my proposal.

While I have found these papers for my proposal, I definitely think it is an area that I need to research more into, in the future and maybe a section that I need to adjust and change at a later date if I find better examples. 

Blair, J, M. (2014) Animated Autoethnographies: Stop Motion Animation as a Tool for Self-Inquiry and Personal Evaluation, Art Education, 67(2), PP.  6-13 [EJournal]. Available from:<> [Accessed 12 June 2023].

Giese, J. & Keightley, E. (2022) Dancing through time: A methodological exploration of embodied memories. Memory Studies. [EJournal]. Available from:<> [Accessed 12 June 2023].

Laster, D. (2012). Embodied Memory: Body-Memory in the Performance Research of Jerzy Grotowski. New Theatre Quarterly, 28 (3), PP. 211-229. [EJournal]. Available from:<> [Accessed 12 June 2023].

Fullagar, S. Pavlidis, A. Hickey-Moody, A. & Coffey, J. (2021) Embodied Movement as Method: Attuning to Affect as Feminist Experimentation. Somatechnics, 11 (2), PP. 174-190 [EJournal]. Available from:<>[Accessed 12 June 2023].

Thanem, T. Knights, D. (2019) Embodied Research Methods. London: Sage Publications Ltd

Leuzinger-Bohleber, M. (2015) Finding the Body in the Mind: Embodied Memories, Trauma, and Depression. New York: Rouledge.

Lüneburg, N. (2017) Unlocking Traumatic Memories Through Digital Stop-Frame Animation: A Freudian Analysis.  [DPhill]. Available from: <> [Accessed 12 June 2023].

Candy, L. (2006) Practice-Based Research: A Guide [PDF], Available from: <> [Accessed 12 June 2023].

Christou, A. (2011) Narrating lives in (e)motion: Embodiment, belongingness and displacement in diasporic spaces of home and return. ScienceDirect, 4 (4), PP. 249-257  (2023) [EJournal]. Available from:<> [Accessed 12 June 2023].

Pathak, V. Jena, B. & Kalra, S. (2013) Qualitative research. PMC, 4(3), PP. 192. [EJournal]. Available from:<,gaining%20increased%20attention%20across%20disciplines>[Accessed 12 June 2023].

Gorman, R., Farsides, B., & Gammidge, T. (2022). Stop-motion storytelling: Exploring methods for animating the worlds of rare genetic disease. Qualitative Research, [EJournal]. Available from:<> [Accessed 12 June 2023].

Eivazy, N. Peeters, J, P, L. & Claes, S. (2022) The Objects We Carry; The Memories We Share: Recollecting Collective Memories through Participatory Stop-Motion with Personal Objects. Association for Computing Machinery. 22 (2), PP. 317-320. [EJourna]. Available from: <> [Accessed 12 June 2023].

Sviland, R., Råheim, M. and Martinsen, K. (2012) Touched in sensation – moved by respiration. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. 26, PP.  811-819 [EJournal]. Available from: <> [Accessed 12 June 2023].

Slowikowski, S. & Motion, J. (2021) Unlocking Meaning of Embodied Memories from Bushfire Survivors, The Oral History Review, 48 (1) PP. 83-99 [EJournal] Available from: <> [Accessed 12 June 2023].

Caldwell, C. & Koch, S, C. (2028) Working with Embodied Memory: The Moving Cycle as a Phenomenological Body Psychotherapy Method, Journal of Consciousness Studies. 25 (7-8), PP. 242-255 [EJournal]. Available from:<> [Accessed 12 June 2023].



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